Groups & Childcare
Childcare & Groups
Life Groups are for adults. (Exceptions can be made for nursing babies, up to 12 mo.)
We leave it up to each family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose Life Group meets on a different evening.
We are always working on adding more opportunities to serve at LFC and some of our teens may be available to provide childcare during your group meeting time.
• If you need childcare, please call the office (541-567-4486) and we will provide you with some names of people who might be available.
The rate of pay would be $20 per life group meet. If you have 4 children – that would be $5 per child. If you have less, the rate per child would go up respectively to equal out the $20. We suggest including this in your sign-up sheet and in your first couple of meetings’ announcements. You may elect to collect $45 per child for the whole Group season and make it less stressful on having to collect the money each time. If you go with the option to collect the money up front, you may turn the money into the LFC office, and we will cut the check for childcare each week.
• Another option would be to select people in your group who are willing to rotate on a schedule (one at a time) taking care of the children. This works great if everyone participates! They may not need to take more than 1 turn for the whole life group season
• You may coordinate with another Life Group, that meets on a different day from yours and see if some of their parents would be willing to babysit.
Thank you for your heart to serve and provide pastoral care to the families of LFC! This makes such a big difference
Your LFC Staff